CBD (cannabidiol) is a non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis that has gained popularity for its potential therapeutic benefits, including its effects on relaxation and stress reduction. While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to which CBD strains are best for enhancing sexual experiences, some strains may be more suitable for those seeking relaxation and heightened sensory experiences. Keep in mind that individual responses to CBD can vary, so it’s essential to experiment responsibly and consult with a healthcare professional if needed.

Factors to Consider

CBD-to-THC Ratio

  • Choose strains with a higher CBD-to-THC ratio, as THC can have psychoactive effects that may not be conducive to a relaxed and enjoyable sexual experience.
  • A balanced or higher CBD content can provide the desired calming effects without the intense psychoactive effects associated with THC.

Terpene Profile

  • Terpenes are aromatic compounds found in cannabis that contribute to its flavor and aroma. Some terpenes may have potential mood-enhancing and relaxation properties.
  • Look for strains with terpenes like myrcene (known for sedative effects), limonene (uplifting and stress-relieving), and linalool (calming and relaxing).

Indica Dominance

  • Indica-dominant strains are generally associated with relaxing and sedative effects. While not all CBD strains are indica-dominant, many have calming properties that can be beneficial for intimacy.

CBD Strains for Sexual Enhancement


Known for its high CBD content and low THC levels, ACDC is often praised for its ability to induce relaxation without causing significant psychoactive effects.


This sativa-dominant strain has a balanced CBD-to-THC ratio, offering a mild euphoria along with relaxation. It’s known for its uplifting effects without overwhelming intensity.


With a balanced CBD-to-THC ratio, Cannatonic is appreciated for its relaxing properties. It may help ease anxiety and tension, making it potentially suitable for enhancing the sexual experience.

Ringo’s Gift

This strain is named after CBD pioneer Lawrence Ringo and is renowned for its high CBD content. It typically has a balanced CBD-to-THC ratio, providing relaxation without a strong psychoactive impact.

Charlotte’s Web

Initially developed for its high CBD content and low THC levels, Charlotte’s Web gained fame for its potential therapeutic effects without the typical cannabis “high.”

Consumption Tips

Start Low and Go Slow

Begin with a low dose and gradually increase as needed. CBD affects individuals differently, so it’s crucial to find the right dosage for your specific needs.

Experiment with Different Methods

CBD can be consumed in various forms, including tinctures, edibles, and vape pens. Experiment with different methods to find what works best for you.

Create a Relaxing Environment

Set the mood with a comfortable and relaxing environment. Consider incorporating activities like aromatherapy or soft music to enhance the overall experience.

Communication is Key

If using CBD for sexual enhancement with a partner, communication is essential. Discuss preferences, concerns, and experiences to ensure a positive and enjoyable outcome.


Consult with a Healthcare Professional

If you have any underlying health concerns or are taking medication, consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating CBD into your routine.

Be Mindful of Individual Responses

Everyone reacts differently to cannabinoids, so pay attention to how your body responds and adjust accordingly.


In summary, finding the best CBD strain for enhancing sexual experiences involves considering factors like CBD-to-THC ratio, terpene profile, and personal preferences. Experiment responsibly, communicate openly with your partner, and consult with healthcare professionals if needed.

Unlocking Intimacy: Beyond the Ordinary – Strategies to Enhance Your Sexual Well-being


Dildos are versatile sex toys designed for penetration. They come in various materials, shapes, and sizes, catering to a wide range of preferences. Choose a material that suits your comfort and sensitivity levels, such as silicone, glass, or rubber.

Realistic Dildos

Realistic dildos mimic the look and feel of a natural penis. They often feature lifelike textures, veins, and sometimes even testicles. These dildos aim to provide a more authentic and immersive experience.

Non-Realistic Dildos

Non-realistic dildos come in imaginative shapes and designs, deviating from the traditional phallic appearance. They offer a playful and creative approach to pleasure, allowing users to explore different sensations.

Vibrating Dildos

Vibrating dildos add an extra layer of stimulation by incorporating vibration features. These toys come with various vibration settings and intensities, allowing users to customize their experience. Some models even include remote controls for added convenience.

Suction Cup Dildos

Suction cup dildos have a base equipped with suction, allowing them to be securely attached to flat surfaces. This feature enables hands-free use, opening up opportunities for creative positioning and solo play.

Metal Dildos

Metal dildos are crafted from materials like stainless steel or aluminum. Known for their firmness and smooth surface, these dildos can be heated or cooled for temperature play. They are also compatible with all types of lubricants.

Double-Ended Dildos

Double-ended dildos are designed for shared pleasure or simultaneous penetration. They come in various lengths and styles, catering to both heterosexual and same-sex couples. Some double-ended dildos are flexible, allowing for versatile positioning.

Fist Dildos

Fist dildos, also known as fisting dildos, are designed to simulate the experience of fisting. These toys are typically larger in size and are suitable for users who enjoy a more intense and fulfilling sensation. They require ample lubrication and gradual insertion.

Tips for Choosing and Using Dildos

Material Matters

Select a material that aligns with your preferences and sensitivities. Common materials include silicone, rubber, glass, and metal.

Size and Shape

Consider your comfort and experience level when choosing the size and shape of a dildo. Start with smaller sizes if you’re a beginner and gradually progress.

Lubrication is Key

Always use a generous amount of water-based or silicone-based lubricant to enhance comfort and reduce friction. Check the compatibility of the lube with your chosen material.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Clean your dildo thoroughly before and after each use. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for maintenance to ensure the longevity of your toy.

Communication with Partners

If using dildos with a partner, communicate openly about preferences, boundaries, and desires to ensure a positive and enjoyable experience for both parties.

Remember to prioritize your safety and comfort while exploring the exciting world of dildos. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for usage and maintenance.

Ksenia Sobchak